Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Huggy Girl - Day 192

A low key day today.  LSP was very chatty and we all commented on how her sentences have gotten longer and more complex.  Her ear feels much better, she was dancing around and singing tonight.  She was also very cuddly, sitting on my lap to watch Sesame Street, hugging and kissing me like crazy!  Love that!

Grampy told her not to walk in the puddle, so she walked all around the edge of it.

She looks so tall!

She peers through her hands at me when I take her picture.  I think she is taking my picture, too.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Doctor, Doctor, Doctor - Day 191

Grampy, LSP and I have all been battling colds now for awhile - LSP and I for the last few days, Grampy for the last few weeks.  This morning the first thing LSP said to me was, "Something hurts.  My ear hurts!"  After making this declaration several times and rubbing her right ear, we were off to the doctor where we discovered that yes, indeed, she has an ear infection in her right ear.  We came home and Nana ran out to CVS to get her medicine, because I had a doctor's appointment, too.  Mine was just an appointment for some referrals, but while I was there, he noticed I had a nasty cold and listened to my lungs and checked out my ears.  Diagnosis?  Nasty cold.  I got home in time to see Grampy leave for his doctor's appointment, where he learned that his cold of several weeks had morphed into a sinus infection and a bad case of bronchitis.  Nana, for the time being, remains healthy.

While Grampy and I feel wrung out and worn down, the ear infection has not slowed down LSP one little bit.  She was bright and happy all day long, dancing around the kitchen, playing outside, talking to her toys and helping me make cookies.  I need a little of that energy!
Nana and Grampy found this little car in the trading area of the town dump this week!  How cool is that?!?

This puddle had a very thin ice coat on it and she was standing like this and told me she was ice skating.

Showing me the ice.

This dog loves to RUN!

Attic Treasures - Day 190

Ever since I first got here to stay with my parents for awhile my mom has been saying that she wanted to clean out the attic.  Well, today we did it.  Grampy watched LSP while Nana and I went through all the crap in the attic - and those of you with attics know that it can certainly be a lot of crap!  We only found a few funny old things...though we did designate a pile of boxes of old keepsakes as "sort later" so whole knows what lurks there.  When we were done we filled the entire bed of the pickup truck with stuff to donate to charity, then we dropped it off and filled up the bed again with stuff for the dump.  Oh, and we did a huge grocery shopping trip, too.  We were a couple of tired people! 
The box from our very first computer.  Sadly the computer was not inside it because that would have been really funny.  "Ready to hook up to any color TV!"

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Feeding the Birds - Day 189

LSP had a grand time with Grampy today.  First he took her to her their new favorite place - Dunkin' Donuts.  Then they went to the Wild Birds store to buy birdseed.  LSP loved it - looking the bird photos, the different kind of seeds and the interesting bird houses.  She loves to play with a birdhouse Grampy has in his office and likes to watch the birds on the feeder all the time.  And filling the feeders with Grampy is one of her favorite activites.  After the Bird store they went to the playground where she made a new friend and played for a long time.  What a fun day!
Puzzles with Nana.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Train Home - Day 188

Got up and took the train back today.  We got to the station and the train was 25 minutes late so LSP kept yelling, "I wanna get on a train!!"   She has a bit of a cold so she was pretty low key on the train - even fell asleep in my lap for awhile.  She climbed in my lap and made me cradle her like a baby then asked me to sing her the song I usually sing her to sleep with.  In five minutes she was out.  She was excited to see her toys when we got back and played like crazy all evening.  It was a fun time, and now it's time to crash!

Turkey Day - Day 187

Happy Thanksgiving!  The day started out with a bang at Ch&Cr's house with everyone talking and cooking and laughing.  Ch and Uncle D slaved away with others helping in the kitchen, while football played on both TVs - upstairs and downstairs.  A typical Thanksgiving scene!  Just before dinner Aunt B and Uncle G and Cousin S came, Ch's friend A arrived, then Cousin R and her kids M and N and her sister C.  Now we were TWENTY-TWO people in all!  Zoinks!  After a blessing my Uncle G and a welcome from COusin Ch we all dug in and ate and ate and ate.  After we all listed what we were thankful for, then enjoyed tasty pies and desserts.  Cleaning and football followed.  Then sitting and and talking...then more food, wine and chocolate.

All and all a very fun and successful Thanksgiving.  It is wonderful to have relatives that we like to be with so very much!  Much love to all!

Turtle slippers!!

Napping in Phoenix's bed.

Family tradition - chocolate turkeys.

After dinner, a little Curious George for the kiddos.

Middle generation!

With kiddos!

Youngest generation!

The elders! (Or do you prefer "Oldest generation"?)

Markers are fun!