Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sculptor - Day 253

I am now skilled at making all of the major, and most of the minor, Curious George characters out of Play Doh.  I make a great Jumpy Squirrel and a mean Herbert Minninger (one of the bunnies, for those of your un-schooled in George speak.)  My Compass the pigeon rocks, too.

My Herbert Minninger.  Or maybe that's Compass...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Duckie Fun - Day 252

Tonight in the tub, the following funnies:

LSP lines up 4 rubber ducks on the edge of the tub.  She kept insisting there were eleven.  When I counted four she said no, and pointed to one duck, "His name is Eleven!"   "His name is Eleven?"  I asked.  Yes, she confirmed, then told me the names of the other ducks: Nine, One and Twenty.  Reminds me of when my brother was little and he had a teddy bear named Ocho.

A few moments later she squashed one of the ducks  and it stuck that way.  She panicked and handed it to me, "Oh no!"  she said, clearly distressed, "Unflat him!"

She wraps up little things in blankets and tells me, "I'm going to bring you a surprise!"

I said, "Show me your tongue!"  and she did.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bubbles - Day 251

Woke up without the fever or the crud, thank goodness.  Last night was ROUGH.  No room for mommies to be sick, especially when Daddy is deployed.

Today LSP was in a very contrary mood, and was not happy with any event I suggested until we went outside to blow bubbles.  The fact that it was 29 degrees or that there is 8 plus inches of snow of the ground didn't deter her.  She was in a much better mood after that.  She just needed to get out.

Yes that is lots of snow behind her.  Yes, it was 29 degrees. No, she isn't wearing gloves or a hat.  She rips them off the moment I put them on her.  Anyone have Toddler Hat Glue and I will give it a try.

Who says you can't stand outside in the winter in a tutu and blow bubbles?

OK photo friends, is that not a COOL shot?!?

Got Me - Day 250

The Amazing Creeping Crud caught up with me today.  LSP was feeling much better, thank goodness, but I was feeling like a rat turd that got run over by a truck.  By bedtime I was logging a 101.3 fever and had alternating chills and hot flashes.  Of course LSP, feeling great for the first time in days, just wanted to play, play PLAY!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Relax - Day 249

More vomiting.  All day at doctors.  Finally keeping food down today, but now it looks like a cold is sneaking in behind the stomach bug.  Oh joy!

Tonight she said to me, "Let's relax here," so we both lay down on the floor on our backs.  After 1.4 seconds she popped up and said, "Let's go swimming!"  (She loves to pretend to go swimming.)  I said, "I though we were relaxing."  Her reply?  "Lot of people relax in the ocean."  Where the HECK does she get this stuff from??

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Bug - Day 248

Well last night it hit - the stomach bug that is sweeping the neighborhood.  Throwing up on me.  Throwing up on herself.  Throwing up on the floor.  Throwing in whatever receptacle I could grab.  This morning more throwing up and a high fever.  So it was a day of TV and resting.  Early bed time, let's hope for a better night tonight.

Getting Sick - Day 247

Rough night with LSP up a good chunk of the night in obvious discomfort.  Went to the doctor today to have ears checked.  Ears are fine but she decided she did not want to be there and wailed at the top of her lungs, "I don't want to go to the doctor!" over and over and over as loud as she could.  There was no doubt in anyone's minds how she felt about the subject.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What's he Saying? - Day 246

LSP likes to read books.  It is one of the few times she will sit still is if you hold her in your lap and read to her.  She sits still...but she's not quiet.  She will point to everyone on the page and ask, "What's he saying?"  And if she doesn't like your answer, she'll ask again.  Even if the text you are reading reveals what the characters are saying she will still ask with every page turn, "What's he saying?"  People, animals, Sneeches, doesn't matter.  She wants to know what everyone is saying.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Piles of Water - Day 245

The pretend game of choice tonight was Mama horse and Baby horse find a pile of water and jump in.  A pile of water?  Yes, that is what she likes to say.  It was way past bedtime and she was getting really ramped up, but she was so cute I hated to make her stop.  Mama horse and baby horse searched for several piles of water in several spots all over the house before Mama horse had to make Baby horse finally go to bed.  I promised we'd look for more in the morning.

I call this hairdo "The Kurt Cobain".

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pretend - Day 244

Another day of talking 'till my ears bleed!  I love it!  She keeps up a running commentary of her imaginary play.  Her imagination amazes me.  Why can't we all keep that forever?  She likes to play swimming pool, sleep in the bed, Bob the Builder, dolly house, animals, pumpkin patch, and today it was Halloween.  Though she doesn't want to dress up.  She wants to pretend to dress up.  A fine distinction.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Offices - Day 243

All day long it was offices, offices, offices...
Travel office, orders office, travel office, transportation office, housing office, travel office once again... toss in the commissary and a couple of trips to the mail room and I am beat!  LSP did so well, though.  No one likes being dragged all over creation, especially to an endless series of government offices where she got to sit and watch her mother sign her name a couple of hundred times.  But she did very, very well and didn't lose her cool once, not once.  Not until we got home and she decided she wanted to visit her friends B, A and E.  Then it was all over.  She had had it.  She wanted to see her friends, so that is what we did.

Her outfit was totally cute today, but sadly I didn't get a good photo of it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sense of Smell - Day 242

This afternoon LSP was on all fours with her head poked behind a piece of furniture.  "I smell something," my friend J and I heard her say, "What do I smell?"  Looooong pause, accompanied by loud sniffing, then she says quietly, "I smell trains."  She had her Thomas the Train toy in the corner with her.

Later she and I were playing "swimming pool" upstairs, where she took a large pile of her stuffed animals and we pretended to jump from a diving board repeatedly into the pile.  She loved it and got really excited, "You're Mama!" she yelled, "You're Super Mama!"  You got that right, kid!

No photos again today.  Photo fail #3.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Puppy Love - Day 241

LSP went to a birthday party today and there were a lot of older kids there.  She was a bit overwhelmed I think, but she loved playing with their dog.  They have a beautiful husky and she loved hugging her.  Very sweet.
By the way - go back to day 238 and check out the photos I added there!

She really wanted to wear the hat but the elastic was a bit too much for her!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Another One - Day 240

Another crazy mixed up day of coughing and constipation for LSP.  No fun for anyone.  On the upside for her - sick and grumpy kid equals lots of TV!  She got to Skype with Daddy, too, which always makes her very bouncy and happy.
Lots of photos to make up for the lack of pictures the last several days.

I told her to pose like she was reading for a photo and she did!