Yellow monkey pajama top, check; diaper, check; green rubber frog boots, check; blue shark bicycle helmet, check. We're ready to go!
"Golf" in the living room. Note Elmo and Curious George in the background wearing some of LSP's clothes.
No nap again here today for LSP. She flat out refused to nap again today. I must say that I thought that when the nap went it would be a gradual process...not a sudden refusal to go to sleep! On the upside, she goes to bed at night pretty easily now.
LSP is having some confusion about what senses do what. For example, she asks to watch music when she means listen to music. But the cutest mistake she makes is in regard to smell. She likes to "smell" everything. She runs around sniffing things and announcing, "I smell Shiloh!" or "I smell the chair." The past few days she has been smelling colors. "I smell black!" she told me yesterday afternoon, "I smell green!" Of course maybe with her super-sensitive baby senses she really can smell green, and it is us silly adults who have no idea what green smells like.
She also likes the sound of the water heater starting up in the basement. No matter what she is doing she will stop everything to point it out. Grampy took her down there a few days back to see the water heater, and now she is on a crusade to be taken into the basement every time the water heater cuts on. Between her interest in that and her obsession with the air conditioner vents, maybe she has a future in heating and cooling systems.
dog ramp for bed
2 years ago
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