Well, here we are at day 100. Whopee. Only...265 more to go...more or less....here's hoping for less.
I learned several things today:
1. Going running in 91 degree heat is not the best idea.
2. Watch your credit card account.
3. You may have on nice clothes, but you ain't classy!
4. Apparently I will never have running shoes any color other than blue.
Number 1 is pretty self explanatory. Don't try it. It's not fun.
Number 2 is always good advice, but we learned it again today when my dad got an odd email confirming his reservation at a Marriott in Las Vegas. Huh? Several phone calls to American Express and Marriott later and Dad was on hold while the Marriott manager chased a guy down the street and called 911. It was like COPS! Only over the phone. Now the Las Vegas police are calling here too.
As for number 3, well, I wasn't all dressed up today - but I did have on relatively wrinkle-free pants and a new t-shirt and a snazzy pair of shoes, and I even put on jewelry! Then I picked up an item in Michael's that had purple food coloring smeared on it, and managed to get it all over my shirt and pants. Then we went to dinner, and when I picked LSP up out of the high chair and plopped her on my hip she had wet out of her diaper all over the place. So we were both covered with pee. Very nice.
My old pair of running shoes are really beat down so I went to get some new ones. I was hoping for some pink, or green, or a snazzy red...but no, in my brand and in what I need, they had blue. Again. For like the millionth time. Blue. My running shoes are ALWAYS blue. Sigh.
LSP was super good today. Still housebound over the mosquito issue. She played well inside, then went with Grampy to Petco (aka the Free Zoo) while I got running shoes. She loved the white mice spinning on their wheel and the turtle who was, as she put it, "on the porch," (that is, sitting on a rock in the tank). Then we went to dinner and she was very well behaved, though she had some trouble with the spaghetti and the fork. We went to a Red Robin and apparently today is the day that some poor teenager in a giant Red Robin costume goes around to entertain the kiddos. We didn't know that when we went and the hostess warned me that some kids are scared of the 7-foot-tall red bird in a vest, but LSP wasn't, she laughed and smiled and let him hold her toy frog, then high-fived him as we left. Super cute.