Friday, June 25, 2010

TLC Crew - Day 33

Beautiful ladies!

Jewelry shopping!

C's first margarita!

NGo busts a move.

This morning was the rehearsal. We bridesmaids donned our "TLC Crew" t-shirts (short for "T loves C") and our pink tiaras and our large plastic "diamond" rings and grabbed our pom-poms and headed for the hotel. We had a great time, and BrideT managed to not be too embarrassed by us!

After we went downtown again and did a bit of shopping, spending most of our time checking out the local jewelry stores. We got some great bargains. Lots of the stores her have military discounts and everyone is super nice. Took me awhile to realize why everyone was staring at us though... we were still wearing our t-shirts and tiaras.

The rehearsal dinner tonight was at a wonderful Mexican place...with really, really strong margaritas. Only one needed!

LSP did really well all day, having fun with the other kids and playing outside. We're going to try to head to bed early tonight....big day is tomorrow!

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