Friday, January 14, 2011

Dancing - Day 237

LSP was so full of cute talk today.  She put on an orange tutu and wore it over her jeans most of the day.  When she first put it on she said, "Put on music Mama, I'm going to dance!"  Then proceeded to twirl and shake her legs Elaine-style.  We went out to put gas in the Volvo and she wore her ensemble into the shoppette.  She asked why we were taking Daddy's car.  I told her our car was broken and she said, "If Daddy was here he could fix it."  So sweet!  Then "He's at work.  He's at work in Afghanistan."  Later she said, "I want to go to Nana and Grampy's house."  Long pause.  "We can't go there because it is far away.  We are at our house."  I asked her if she missed Nana and Grampy and Daddy and she said a big yes to each. 

Tonight she passed out in my arms.  We read Sneeches, and she asked to hear it again.  Halfway through I felt her slump to the side and she was OUT.  She never does that!  She must have been totally exhuasted.  It is remarkable then that she was in such a great mood all day.

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