Thursday, January 20, 2011

Offices - Day 243

All day long it was offices, offices, offices...
Travel office, orders office, travel office, transportation office, housing office, travel office once again... toss in the commissary and a couple of trips to the mail room and I am beat!  LSP did so well, though.  No one likes being dragged all over creation, especially to an endless series of government offices where she got to sit and watch her mother sign her name a couple of hundred times.  But she did very, very well and didn't lose her cool once, not once.  Not until we got home and she decided she wanted to visit her friends B, A and E.  Then it was all over.  She had had it.  She wanted to see her friends, so that is what we did.

Her outfit was totally cute today, but sadly I didn't get a good photo of it.

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