Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beach Day - Day 179

It was relatively warm today so we took LSP down to the beach to check out the rocks.  She LOVES rocks and was thrilled with a beach full of them.  She also LOVES water and walked right into the frigid ocean without flinching - and then sat down in it!  Then she turned around and said, "Grampy go in the water!"  No, I don't think so!

After the beach it was another trip to Lowe's, her new favorite store.  The Christmas decorations and the bathroom section just never get old.  After Lowe's we went out to dinner at a local restaurant where it was family night.  There was a guy there making the most intricate and interesting balloon animals I have ever seen.  When he came to our table she played shy and didn't look at him until he said he could make a monkey in a tree, then she watched him with awe while he made it.  It's pretty cool!

She was a happy chatterbug today, talking away in the back of the car to anyone who would listen: Grampy, me, Winnie the Pooh, didn't matter.  Then she was her absolute cutest self with the waitress who was totally charmed.  She is one heck of a cutie!
Throwing rocks - check out the rock in midair - good arm!

Grampy tells her about waves.

Double fisted rocks throwing.

Come on, the beach in November sounds great!

Doesn't get much cuter than this!

Chasing seagulls, a popular activity for kids of all ages.

Watching the water with my best girl.

Mommy, hold these rocks.  We came home with a bag full.

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