Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lot of Shopping - Day 171

Today LSP was a busy little bee - helped Mommy make cookies this morning, went to Lowe's with Grampy at lunch time (and got a donut to boot), Skyped with Daddy in the early afternoon and went shopping with Mommy and Nana in the later afternoon.  Quite a full day for a little girl.  When she was shopping with me at one point I was taking a long time in the baking toys aisle and she said with a sigh, "I'm being very patient."  A lady nearby totally cracked up, really made her day.  "You're very smart!" she told LSP.
They sky was the most amazing shades of orange tonight.  These photos do not do it justice.

Playing with the ball...

Until Shiloh got a hold of it and popped it!

LSP said, "Shiloh broke the ball!  That's OK."

She was saying, "Look, it's white!" pointing to the clouds.

The following photos are some cool shots of her throwing water out of a bucket with her shovel.

Now it's pink!

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