Friday, August 27, 2010

Day Outside - Day 96

So many things to do outside... run...

Play with the wheelbarrow full of water....

Play with balls of dog hair....

Dog hair floats!

Give the pups some treats!

Beautiful weather today, and so for the first day in a long time LSP got to play outside most of the day. Sandbox, swings, running in the grass, she loves it all. I am in trouble when I return to Germany with my tiny backyard.

This morning she decided it was the Teddy Bears' birthday. Not one Teddy Bear. ALL of the the Teddy Bears. So we sang Happy Birthday to them and she set them up in a line and gave them cups and served them "lemonade," something she has never had but somehow she has decided that is what most of her animals drink. Later it was the goose's birthday. He didn't get lemonade, just the song. Perhaps geese don't like lemonade.

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