Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dog Days - Day 79

How many photos of your kid eating ice cream are too many? Think I'm there yet?

Today Grampy and I took LSP to a local playground. There is discovered the joy of going down the slide headfirst. And upside down. She's no chicken, this girl. Afterward we took her for ice cream. It's becoming a major part of her diet this summer. Where is ice cream on the food pyramid, anyway?

We've got a couple of broken dogs here today. Shiloh is limping all over the place, probably from too much playing and cavorting during the family reunion. This morning my parent's dog, Sarah, wouldn't eat. Not even a treat. Or go outside. She just stood and looked miserable. One trip to the vet later and the best guess is that she ate something that did not agree with her. A dead thing in the yard? Some leftovers at the reunion? Who knows, but now's we've got two poor ailing puppies here.

This afternoon we got to Skype with Daddy. LSP was thrilled to see him and showed off, making messes and jumping on the bed and doing summersaults down the hallway. She was so charged up that the rest of the afternoon and evening she was bouncing off the walls. So happy to talk to Daddy!

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