Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Road Trip - Day 93

Girls LOVE shoes!

Hotel rooms are fun!

Today we left on a couple of day trip to visit Great Aunt J. We drove a few hours to were she lives, and on the way we stopped in a legendary scrapbooking and paper crafting store. They had tons of cool stuff! Nana and I managed to spend over an hour looking around inside. Meanwhile Grampy and LSP played in the car. When we came out into a light misting rain LSP had the sunroof of the car open and she was standing on Grampy's lap, her little head poking out of the roof. She yelled loudly when she saw us and waved her arms and laughed and laughed. It's funny sticking your head out of the roof of a car!

It was still raining when we got here and we are visiting Great Aunt J tomorrow, so we took LSP to the local mall to run, run, run. Thank goodness for indoor malls!

I won't be updating photos for a couple of days. I will continue to blog then add the photos when we get back.

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