Jumping day!
Playing golf.
Well, day 30. We made it one month. In some respects it feels like a week, in others, a year. One down, eleven to go, I suppose.
Today was jumping day for LSP apparently, because when she was playing outside with Grampy she stood on the bench and jumped off (holding his hand, of course) about a million times. Then I went out there with her and she was jumping in the sandbox. The sandbox has seats on each corner and I was sitting on one and she was making the rounds of the other 3, getting up on them and jumping off. When she got to my corner she came over and said, "Mommy up. Mommy move, Mommy all finished." And pushed me in the arm until I got up and moved so she could jump off of THAT seat. The cuteness continued when, after dinner, she was petting both dogs at the same time and said, "Scratching both of our dogs!" Then she was hugging them. It is very cute, though the dogs managed to look like they were being tortured. Then it was bath time. She sat in the tub with her rubber ducks and played with them - they had a conversation that went something like this: "Did you fall down? You're OK! Mommy's here. Mommy's not in the tub. Whatcha doin'?" Etc, etc. Then she filled a plastic container with water and put both ducks next to it and told me "Ducks are looking at the swimming pool!" Later this evening she found a flyswatter and was using it to hit a plastic tomato around the living room. "Playing golf!" she informed me. Now where does she get that one from? Her father and I have never, nor will we ever, play any golf. We are the last two people on earth who would ever golf. We never even play miniature golf. Of course this will make a certain Uncle O very proud. We are just maxing out the cuteness here today.
dog ramp for bed
2 years ago
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